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2008 Comments by the final Juror
Mr. Hsun Chiang, Poet, Art Critic, Painter, & literati

Comments:“People” as the central idea in Design

Interior Design in Taiwan implicates various design businesses such as interior decoration, showroom space design and temporary real-estate sample houses, along with other related sectors. No matter what sector of interior design is mentioned, “people” are closely linked to it, and sometimes feel more intimate to it than to architecture itself.

Therefore, the idea of “people” in interior design is probably a very interesting topic of discussion. For instance, what is the role of the owner of a residence in a design project? In a commercial space, does the design reflect the designer’s personal interest or the interests of the people who live in the space?

I think that the flourishing phenomenon of sample houses in Taiwan perhaps reflects an instant quest for transient beauty.

Perhaps, the effort of the TID Awards is the first step towards expanding a designer’s vision, a vision that truly believes in designing for “people,” not purely for fashion. This is the goal of the Awards that has long-reaching effects.

Design projects of Taiwan now have interaction with those of Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other Chinese regions. Together a new improved spatial design concept can be created, a design that has “people” and people’s living standard as the core.
引用通告地址: https://design.we99.org/trackback.php?tbID=7&extra=e1e3d0
標籤: 台北室內設計,台中室內設計
評論: 13 | 引用: 0 | 閱讀: 57941
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