








































2008台灣室內設計大獎評審過程,設計概念的原創性與空間執行的完成度,應該是關鍵的考量。模擬自然森林剪影,「台大兒童醫院一樓候診室」象徵自然元素的轉譯。從新定義工作與遊戲空間,「華碩設計中心辦公室」,反應次世代開放的工作方式。炫麗幻化的色澤與圖像,「HOTEL G」恣意放任視覺感官驚豔極大化。低限留白設計,「牡丹清境民宿」,保留與環境對話的最大可能性。純一元素的組構空間,「香港深圳城市建築雙年展」近乎詩性的空間表現。水、光、影與綠,「一即一切接待中心」臨時建築卻表現出雋永的空間特質。簡單的空間模矩與懸吊金屬桁架,「宜蘭-服飾店」蘊含空間清晰而明確的紀律感。


2008 Comments by the Semi-final Juror
Mr. Chi-Yi Cheng, Associated Professor and Dean of Graduate 
Institute of Architecture, NCTU University

In an era of multiple cultures and values, innovation is the only way for design to evolve.

The twenty-first century is an era for both knowledge and innovation economy. Mankind is entering an era of innovative consumerism and culture. Today’s investment-driven economy has hit a dead-end and is being replaced by innovation-driven and knowledge–driven economy. Culture reflects life’s patterns and innovation is a power that generates cultural transformation. Interior design is definitely a highly competitive and crucial business in Taiwan’s innovative businesses.

In the juror process for the TID Award, the criteria for the winning entries are original innovative ideas for design and completeness of project execution. “NTUH Children’s Hospital” is one of the award winners. Its design idea is derived from a mimic of jungle silhouettes and a transformation of natural elements. Redefining working space and leisure space, the “Asus Design Center” reflects a contemporary open working pattern for a new generation. “Hotel G” uses dramatic colors and icons to push the limits of the senses for city dwellers. “The Tavern is off the City” reserves a void space that induces dialogue with the natural environments. “Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture” is a space for poetic meditation. “One is everything” is a temporary structure that provides a meaningful mixing of water, light, shade and greenery in space. “Gallery More” uses a simple modular system and suspension trusses to build a precise order in space.

I would sa:“In an era of multiple cultures and values, innovation is the only way for design to evolve.”
引用通告地址: https://design.we99.org/trackback.php?tbID=6&extra=f957e1
標籤: 台北室內設計,台中室內設計
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