作者: homej 日期: 2011-01-28 11:10
2007年舉辦第一屆象徵台灣室內設計界最高榮譽的「台灣室內設計大獎」,激發潛藏已久的台灣室內設計能量,專業頂尖的設計作品及豐碩的參賽成果,在展覽、出版、座談、巡迴展、演講、研討會等系列活動中,得到社會、業界與學校的熱烈迴響與支持,促成2008年第二屆的TID award在報名件數上有非常顯著的成長,來自兩岸三地的設計作品,不僅是一時之選,更凝聚了當代台灣設計菁英的設計創意思維,讓台灣室內設計大獎成為觀察大中華地區室內設計發展的最重要平台,從今年的得獎作品,由台灣、香港、中國三地的參賽作品中,皆有金獎作品產生的大獎評審結果,誠如本屆評審德國紅點大獎總裁Dr Peter Zec指出「TID award在大中華地區將成為促進室內設計專業進步的重要競賽平台」,我們更相信所有參賽設計師以代表作品參賽,即是在以自己的觀點型塑自己所參與的歷史過程,台灣的室內設計史必將記錄見證台灣室內設計大獎的歷史意義。
台灣室內設計大獎的推廣效益正在持續擴大,在國際間的推廣,2007年台灣室內設計大獎的專輯甫一出版,即受到中國福建科技出版集團的邀約,將以更大篇幅的內容在中國發行,中國Domus特別來函邀請台灣傑出的室內設計師,將在慶祝Domus 80週年專刊上收錄台灣設計大獎得獎者的作品,在2007年IFI出版的國際室內設計年鑑,也已經收錄了TID award的作品,未來我們將加強TID award與國際出版媒體的合作,藉由國際刊物的宣傳,提昇台灣室內設計的形象。在國內的推廣,我們捐贈了700本大獎專輯到各大學院校及地方圖書館,希望能更深入大獎對學校及社會的影響。在政府部門,我們與經濟部工業局合作,以台灣室內設計大獎的得獎作品,經過主辦單位審核後,提名為國家設計獎入圍決選的作品,國家設計獎的國際評審團,對台灣室內設計作品優異的國際水準表現非常激賞。在2008年的TID award北、中、南校園巡迴展、演講及座談會,是我們與學校合作,對提昇室內設計學系在大學院校的學術地位及專業形象的推廣活動,在各大學均由校長率重要學術、行政主管出席揭幕儀式,親自表達學校對台灣室內設計大獎作品所代表的崇高專業意義的推崇。回應社會、學校的期待與引領大眾對室內設計師新時代社會形象的認識,是台灣室內設計大獎的工作,我們將繼續推動與政府、學校及社會的各項合作計劃。
提高台灣室內設計師在國際間的知名度及國內專業形象,是主辦台灣室內設計大獎的重要目的。我們推動2007年台灣室內設計大獎作品,參加國際及國內重要專業大獎,有非常耀眼的成績表現。「商業空間類金獎得主」胡碩峰以「雄獅旅遊」作品在新加坡獲選由APSDA「亞太空間設計師協會」ASIA PACIFIC SPACE DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION 頒發「APSDA傑出室內設計獎」,「住宅空間類金獎得主」陸希傑以微風館的「Aesop」在釜山獲得IFI「國際室內建築師 / 設計師團體聯盟」INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTS/DESIGNERS 主辦的首屆國際室內設計大獎的「IFI商業空間卓越設計獎」,行政院經濟部工業局主辦的國家設計獎大賽,「商業空間類TID獎」林馬克以作品NIKE AIRMAX 360 Exhibition,獲得「國家設計獎-商業空間類金獎」,「評審團特別獎」龔書章、吳建森、陳麗雪一舉以台中親家建設接待中心,獲得「國家設計獎-公共空間類金獎」、「國家設計獎-綠色設計獎」二項殊榮,於國家設計獎頒獎典禮上,由馬英九總統親自頒發獎座。台灣室內設計近年來,以充滿創意的新時代專業形象,在國際與國內的傑出表現,獲得政府的高度肯定與重視,室內設計必將在台灣未來的創意產業中,成為重要的一環。中華民國室內設計協會要感謝熱心企業的贊助、國內外評審團、協辦團體的支持,第二屆台灣室內設計大獎才能再度成功的呈現在社會大眾面前,更要感謝所有熱心參與大獎的設計師,繼續與我們共同開創台灣室內設計的新頁。
姚政仲 2009.01.09
In 2007, CSID (Chinese Society of Interior Designers) hosted the first annual TID (Taiwan Interior Design) Award, the highest recognition for interior designers of Taiwan. The award hopes to push the potential of Taiwanese interior designers. There were a great number of participants with many professional and top design entries. From exhibition to publication, conference, lecture and symposium, the award was greatly accepted and supported by the public, the design field and the schools. Last year’s success contributed to this year’s 2008’s second annual TID Award. This year, there was a definite increase in the number of entries. The entries came from across the strait as well. The competition gathered today’s design elites of Taiwan and made the TID Award into the most important platform for observing interior design developments of the greater China area. This year’s winning designs were from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. It is like what Dr. Peter Zec pointed out, “TID Award in the greater China area will become an important competition platform for promoting advancement in interior design.” We believe, All of the designers create for themselves history with their entries that represented their viewpoints. Taiwan’s interior design history will record the importance of the TID Award.
The benefit of the TID Award is far reaching. With its promotion worldwide, the 2007 TID Award Publication received immediate attention. China Hokkien Technology Publication Co. invited CSID to publish its TID Award in China, and China’s Domus magazine invited TID’s interior design elites to be published in its 80th Anniversary Issue. In 2007, IFI’s publication of International Interior Design Yearbook also recorded TID Award winners. In the future, we will continue to increase TID Award’s collaboration with publication companies worldwide. Through international publications we can improve Taiwan’s interior design image. Domestically, we donated 700 TID Award publications to universities and libraries and hoped to provide social impact with the TID Award. We also collaborated with Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau and nominated TID Award winners for National Design Award’s Final. Nation Design Award’s international Jury panel was very impressed with the international standard and high quality work of the TID Award winners. In 2008 right now, north, middle and southern Taiwan universities are taking turns to exhibit the TID Award projects and hold lectures and symposiums. This is our collaboration with the schools to promote the interior design major and uphold the professional image of interior designers. In each university, the principal leads important academic officers and school dean to attend the opening ceremony to personally express respect for the interior design profession and the TID Award. In order to realize TID Award’s vision, give back to the society and meet the expectations of schools, we will continue to promote collaboration with government, school and social organizations.
The most important goals for hosting the TID Award are to increase the visibility of Taiwan interior designers in the world and uphold their professional image. We encouraged and recommended 2007’s TID Award projects to enter international and national competitions and the results were outstanding. TID Gold Award winner of Commercial Space Shyr-Fong Hu’s Lion Travel project won The APSDA Award APSDA (Asia Pacific Space Designers Association). TID Gold Award winner of Residential Space Shichieh Lu’s Aesop won the IFI Retail Interior Excellence Award from the first「IFI 2007 Design Excellence Award 」IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers). Executive Yuan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs hosted National Design Award Competition and gave the “Taiwan Design Award-Commercial Space Gold Award” to Mark Lintott’s Nike Airmax 360 Exhibition, winner of the TID Award of Commercial Space. Special Jury Award winner Ching Jia Hospitality Center by Shu-Chung Kang, Chien-Sen Wu and Lisa Chen won two awards from the Taiwan Design Competition- Public Space Gold Award and Green Design Award. The recent outstanding performance of Taiwan interior design and the professional image of the new generation designers gained approval and the respect of the government. Interior design will become an important part of Taiwan creative industry. Here CSID wants to thank the support of sponsors, domestic and global jurors and hosting organizations for the success of the second annual TID Award. And we want to thank all the passionate designers who participated in the competition for working hard with us to open a new chapter for Taiwan interior design.
Mr. Cheng Chung Yao,
Director of Chinese Society of Interior Designers (CSID) Taiwan
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